Services & Rates
A website is a representation of your business on the Internet. If its unattractive, unorganized, or worse doesn't exists what does that say about your business to your customers that use the Internet? A fast, easy-to-navigate website encourages viewers to explore your site and keeps them coming back. It's never too late to get ahead of your competition and either build or re-design the site you know you need.

D2 works hard to stay current on website technology and loves the challenge of design, redesign and development of websites. A website sometimes needs an overhaul; one that never changes looks neglected and out of date. I have the experience to deal with websites designed by others and can make use of the work already done in order to complete the work you require. I will provide a free consultation to discuss your goals and work with you and your budget to make changes that will help you get your message across to your customers.

When I am asked to develop a website or custom software, I want to be sure what the customer has in mind for a completed project. That is why I will review site design options with you, give pros and cons of the different options and keep you, the customer, involved throughout the entire process. This is a rough idea of my site development process to keep in mind if you are thinking about starting a site.

The Development Process
This is a brief outline of a website development project. Unless you want D2 to have 100% control of your site, plan to be fully involved as an "information source" and partner throughout the project.

STEP 1: Goals
I will meet with the client to discuss plans for the website/software, to determine the goals and results of the website/software (to sell a product, to give information etc.)

STEP 2: Image and Design
Oftentimes the client may have printed materials that already portray a professional image. D2 works hard to use these graphic images and content to insure your image is clearly represented on the website. If you are starting a new on-line business and need to incorporate a logo designed from scratch or if you simply need a fresh look to your existing material, D2 can provide you with these services.
If you already have a site design or are a designer and need a developer for your website or a client, D2 has the experience to convert even the most complex layered designs to a website.

STEP 3: Site Index
Review the site architecture to determine how you want your customers to navigate through your site.

STEP 4: Arrange Hosting and Register Domain
D2 will work with your existing host or can arrange affordable and reliable hosting through

STEP 5: Proofing
Design a "test" layout for customer approval. Revise any desired changes and return for final customer approval. Present to customer for final approval and posting on the Internet.

STEP 6: Search Engine Submission
Submit new site to various search engines for increased traffic.

STEP 7: Provide Documentation and Training
Step by step education about your website and how to maintain it. Plus I will supply you with copy of all your web site's coded pages, graphics, and database plus a document addressing your site's host information all on a CD.

STEP 8: Maintenance
Maintain site with updates, links, and current submission to search engines.

The Northern Minnesota Webmaster and Computer Programmer for Small Businesses.
21769 Mishawaka Road * Grand Rapids, MN 55744
(218) 999 - 9689